Pistoia Alliance Virtual Conference Week

October 19-23, 2020 


Innovation Through Collaboration

Technology is driving change in life science and healthcare research and development. 

  • How do you empower the patient?
  • How can we upskill for the digitalization of R&D?
  • Is the digital placebo alive, real but not considered?
  • How has COVID-19 impacted life science R&D?
  • How can digitized data improve patient outcomes and enable drug discovery?
Join us as we explore these questions and more with more than 30 industry leaders during our free conference week for life science R&D professionals.
Complete the form below to access the conference recordings on-demand.

30+ Industry Leaders

Presentations, panel discussions, and virtual networking will provide stimulus and opportunity for discussions to identify key areas where the Pistoia Alliance can set up collaborative projects that will drive innovation and make a real difference to research and ultimately to patients.

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Lab of the Future

The Lab is the centre of innovation but the role and nature of the Lab has changed. These changes are being driven by advances in life science research, technology and latterly, COVID-19. What are the latest developments in workspace, facilities planning and technology? How is the science being done now and what will the Lab of Future look like?


FAIR Implementation

Data FAIRification is the foundation for any digital transformation programme. This session will include practical advice on how to make the FAIR transition within your organisation and will include presentations  on how they are managing the FAIR journey.


In Silico Drug Discovery and Development

In silico methods in drug discovery and development have advanced considerably in recent years. AI and other predictive tools have been successfully applied in drug repurposing, target identification and in toxicology studies. This session will include case studies from on the latest developments in the science and technology driving this important field.