The Pistoia Alliance is pleased to announce a series of three webinars hosted by Accenture Boston Innovation Hub. As part of our overall theme of Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of R&D, each webinar will explore the power of collaboration to solve shared challenges, drive transformation and reduce barriers to innovation in R&D.
Learn from industry experts and thought leaders as they share the latest trends and best practices in life sciences R&D and discuss how we can collaborate to innovate.
Dates and speakers will be confirmed shortly. Please register to join the wait list and receive the latest information on this webinar series.
Presentations, panel discussions, and virtual networking will provide stimulus and opportunity for discussions to identify key areas where the Pistoia Alliance can set up collaborative projects that will drive innovation and make a real difference to research and ultimately to patients.
The Lab is the center of innovation but the role and nature of the Lab has changed. These changes are being driven by advances in life science research, technology, and latterly, COVID-19. What are the latest developments in the workspace, facilities planning, and technology? What new innovations including collaborative digitalization can we expect to see in the Lab of Future?
New regulatory standards and the need for compliance can result in resources that could be spent on the discovery of new medicines being directed to managing data issues. Discover the power of collaboration around data standards and how data standards in data science can ultimately improve the efficiency and effectiveness of drug discovery and development.
Learn how innovative science and technology are disrupting and transforming the way R&D is being conducted in a number of forward-thinking life science organizations. From the use of AI and machine learning to robotic process automation discover the opportunities for collaborative innovation.